Subtractive sequence-mediated therapeutic targets from the conserved gene clusters of Campylobacter hyointestinalis and computational inhibition assessment

Publication: J Biomol Struct Dyn

Campylobacter hyointestinalis is a causative agent of enteritis, proctitis, human gastroenteritis, and diarrhea. Reported transmission is from pigs to humans. Link with gastrointestinal carcinoma has also been established in non-Helicobacter pylori patients carrying this strain. The genome size of the strain LMG9260 is 1.8 MB with 1785 chromosomal and seven plasmid proteins. No therapeutic targets have been identified and reported in this bacterium. Therefore, subtractive computational screening of its genome was carried out for the purpose. In total, 31 such targets were mined and riboflavin synthase was utilized for screening natural product inhibitors against it. Among more than 30,000 screened natural compounds from the NPASS library, three (NPC472060, NPC33653, and NPC313886) were prioritized to have the potential to be developed into new antimicrobial drugs. Dynamics simulation assay along with other relevant parameters like absorption, toxicity, and distribution of the inhibiting compounds were also predicted and NPC33653 was identified as having the best drug-like properties among the prioritized compounds. Thus, it has potential to be pursued further for the inhibition of riboflavin synthesis in C. hyointestinalis for subsequent obstruction of its growth and survival.

By Zarrin Basharata, Youssef Saeed Alghamdi, Mutaib M. Mashraqi, Mohammed Makkawi, Sultan Alasmari, Saleh Alshamrani