ADMET Predictor® 10.2 (APX.2): Machine learning platform for ADMET modeling with extended capabilities for discovery PBPK

Software: ADMET Predictor®
Division: PBPK

Eric Jamois, Director of Business Development, will host a webinar on Wednesday, May 5th to introduce the new ADMET Predictor® 10.2 (APX.2) release. Panelist David Miller, VP of ADMET Cheminformatics will show some of the new features in APX.2, including details about specific enhancements to the HTPK Simulation module.

The following topics will be covered:

  • New capabilities in HTPK Simulation module:
    • New IV Bolus route of administration
    • Additional options for dose optimization
    • Plasma concentration versus time curve overlay for easy comparison across compounds
    • Dose optimization available through the MedChem Designer™ interface
  • Enhanced mutagenic risk predictions
  • Extended software parallelization
  • Upgraded command line options
  • Improved user experience