August 2021 GastroPlus Newsletter

Authors: O’Connor D
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Coinciding with the milestone of our “silver anniversary” comes the news of the “passing of the torch”!

At the end of August, Dr. Mike Bolger will formally hand over Chief Scientist duties to Dr. Viera Lukacova. Mike has had a stellar scientific career and has earned the status of Emeritus Scientist. His tenure with Simulations Plus dates back to the days when the next leap forward in computers was the introduction of a math co-processor to update the 286 IBM PC. Mike will keep his hand in devoting his professional time to writing and expert consulting.

I know many of you may wish to thank Mike for the help that he has provided to you over the years. Please feel free to wish him well at

Last month I described how our learning services group would provide enhanced training opportunities in the coming months…monthly “free” training for GastroPlus, scheduled virtual workshops on a variety of topics, and of course customized bespoke training for your research teams.

It has been an overwhelming success…classes have filled for both the free training as well as scheduled workshops. Look at the schedule and sign up soon.

More good news, a new revision of GastroPlus is scheduled for release in early Fall with many updates and new features…more on this in the September newsletter.

Fall also brings a new and exciting line up of talks, workshops and shows:

John DiBella will be speaking at the II International Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems: innovation, technology and pharmacometrics:

The in person and virtual show AAPS PharmSci 360 on October 17-20, 2021 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA, will host a presentation by Mike Bolger. The fall workshops schedule may be found here.

As always, let me know if you do need any help to increase the use, utility and understanding of GastroPlus.

By Dan O’ Connor