Best Practices for Membrane & Biphasic In Vitro Dissolution with DDDPlus™ & GastroPlus®

Authors: Mullin JM, Lukacova V
Division: PBPK


DDDPlus is a state-of-the-art simulation platform for in vitro dissolution. Dissolution assays with an absorptive component aim to reduce the level of supersaturation during the dissolution of weakly basic drugs. This mimics the in vivo situation where a drug is being absorbed and travels through the intestinal lumen.

James Mullin, Sr. Principal Scientist, will discuss the following topics:
– Best practices for employing the DDDPlus membrane and biphasic dissolution model
– The power & flexibility of DDDPlus to handle multistage dissolution where pH and buffer changes occur dynamically
– The parameters from DDDPlus simulations will be input into GastroPlus PBPK models for in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of precipitation to evaluate performance

Bring your questions on how you can use in vitro simulation tools to further your dissolution research.

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By Jim Mullin, Viera Lukacova