Data Exploration Libraries in KIWI

Conference: PAGE
Software: KIWI™


The cloud-based KIWI™ platform is an enterprise-scale application supporting the execution, management, and communication of modeling and simulation activities. Exploration of analysis datasets and model outputs is a key
component of these activities as it allows the identification of data patterns and guides the creation and execution of modeling plans and supports communication of modeling results within the development team or with regulatory agencies who rely on exploratory displays to convey the rationale of decision-making or to illustrate problems and knowledge gaps that should be further investigated. The creation of meaningful exploratory plots and tables is a time-consuming task even for skilled programmers.

KIWI includes multiple modules providing user-friendly graphical interfaces for efficient and flexible data exploration and reporting:

  • Visualize was presented at a previous PAGE meeting1 and provides a library focused on the automated creation of model diagnostic plots.
  • Explore and ExploreLive are 2 new modules providing libraries of generic tools to automate the creation of summary statistics tables and plots. It was designed to explore the content of analysis datasets and model output tables.

All displays created in KIWI are generated with templatized R code and do not require any programming experience on the part of the users

Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE), May 29 – June 1 2019, Montreux, Switzerland

By Sebastien Bihorel, David Fox, Pranay Kumar, Saqib Samuel, J. Sebastian Manunta, Andrew Rokitka, Cythnia H. Walawander, Thaddeus H. Grasela