Data Repository to Enable Organization and Collaboration for Pharmacometric Analysis

Conference: PAGE
Software: KIWI™


Interdisciplinary research teams encounter both logistical and technical challenges during collaborative pharmacometric analyses projects, especially teams with significant geographic distributions. Because team members are from multiple organizations, each of which utilize a distinct internal workflow, there is often variation in the tools and practices implemented for the organization and storage of data and files. This inconsistency and lack of a universal version-controlled data storage structure can result in miscommunication, duplication of work, or even in the use of outdated or incorrect information.

Three key components for a successful collaborative project are: 1) transparency in work product development, 2) secure permission-based access and use of data, and 3) consistency in data organization and interface with workflows. These key elements allow for the preservation of ownership of the data of an organization, while enabling forward progress on a project with permission-based partner engagement. As the project advances, team members may join, change roles, or depart from an organization, necessitating a structured and well-maintained team management module to direct access to the collaborative research environment.

Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE), May 29 – June 1 2019, Montreux, Switzerland

By Lauren L. Madar, Kayla Andrews, J. Sebastian Manunta, Andrew Rokitka, N Gobeau, David Fox, JJ Möhrle, Thaddeus H. Grasela