Ionization Prediction Summit Webinar Series: Session 1 Fundamentals of Ionization

Software: ADMET Predictor®
Division: PBPK

Multiprotic ionization is often poorly understood in the pharmaceutical industry. Luckily, new perspectives and tools are available that fully explain the complex multiprotic ionization phenomena, as well as offer new quantities to provide valuable insights to focus your drug development programs.

In the Ionization Prediction Summit webinar series, leading industry experts will explain ionization, how ionization modeling works, how ionization models are influenced by the large amounts of industrial data, and how to get the answers you need from ionization modeling. They’ll share tools and case studies of how ionization modeling informed drug discovery and decision-making. The expert panel will also answer questions during each week’s Q&A session.

Session 1 (Oct. 24): Fundamentals of Ionization
• Fundamentals of Ionization and Ionization Modeling – Dr. Robert Fraczkiewicz, Simulations Plus
• New pKa model in ADMET Predictor 11 – Dr. Robert Fraczkiewicz, Simulations Plus

Download Slides Part 1  |  Download Slides Part 2

Watch Session 4: Experimental Aspects of pKa Measurements >>