July 2021 GastroPlus Newsletter

Authors: O’Connor D
Division: PBPK

Thanks to all of you for the many contributions that you all have made over the years to help us reach the significant milestone of our “silver anniversary”.

We have come a very long way from the early days of GastroPlus version #1 back in 1998.

In celebration, Simulations Plus will be making charitable contributions of $25,000 to four different organizations throughout 2021-2022.

We are also updating and redesigning our website content including the Resource CenterTeam Bio pages, and Scientific Case Studies… stop by and let me know what you think.

We look forward to actually seeing you if your plans include AAPS PharmSci 360 on October 17-20, 2021 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA.  There may even be a secret plan for us to offer a Philadelphia delicacy…a cheese steak sandwich to the first 500 attendees (ok only 498 because I will likely have 2!)

Our Second Annual Model-Informed Drug Development conference is scheduled for February 2022.  We are seeking speakers and posters for the event.  Let me know of your interest and we can get you registered. A great forum for sharing your “public work” and tips for the modeling and simulation community.

Lastly, we continue to expand our learning services group which will provide enhanced training opportunities in the coming months…monthly “free” training for GastroPlus, first come first serve, scheduled virtual workshops on a variety of topics, and of course customized bespoke training for your research teams.  We will be publishing dates and events very soon.

In the short term, let me know if you do need any help to increase the use, utility and understanding of GastroPlus.

By Dan O’Connor