March 2020 GastroPlus Newsletter

Authors: O’Connor D
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Since last month’s newsletter, the world has become Coronavirus conscious. Conferences are being canceled, the global economies are taking hits, and most concerning to all…toilet paper is in short supply at Costco!

Maybe we all can take pause to remember another annual statistic… the CDC predicts that at least 12,000 Americans die from the flu in any given year. Worldwide, as many as 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season, and 45 million were infected.

The new Coronavirus is certainly concerning and highly communicable, but maybe, just maybe the “sky isn’t falling.”

If you did not hear, the SOT Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA, on March 15th -19th has been canceled.  We are planning on scheduling a webinar for the promoted “lunch and learn,” which we highlight PBPK modeling and systems toxicology. Stay tuned for a date and time.

Additionally, the ASCPT Annual Meeting on March 17- March 21, 2020, Marriott Marquis Houston, TX, has also been canceled.

We have also been made aware that some of your companies may be considering moving to a “work from home” format.

Should that be the case, and you need help with license access from your home, we can help.

We can provide ideas, including (for a modest fee) cloud access for the term that you may need for remote use.  Just let me know, and we can discuss solutions that might help.

More progress continues to advance for the new GPX™ platform…more to come later this year.

Wash your hands, stay healthy, and do let me know if I may be of any help.

By Dan O’Connor