May 2021 GastroPlus Newsletter

Authors: O’Connor D
Keywords: DILIsym, gastroplus, HTPK
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

We hope that you and yours are coming out of our Covid enforced isolation. We know for some of our clients that the lock downs continue. If there is anything that we can do to support you and your teams as we navigate these challenges, please let us know.

Very good news…we recently added to our support staff and updated our help-desk software to insure timely response for your inquiries whether scientific, operational or IT. The speediest way to invite help is to send us an email to

That triggers accelerated activities, notice to me (the account rep) and creates a timeline to ensure that we respond quickly. As always you may email or call me if you find that the need is even more critical, and I will assist.

Thanks again to all those who were present for the Simulations Plus 2021 MIDD+ meetings. Soon we will begin to invite presenters for the 2022 MIDD+ meetings…if you would be interested let me know.

We continue to see exciting interest in two specific areas for adding capability to GastroPlus licenses:

The flexible connectivity between the GastroPlus and DILIsym software platforms provides information so clients can avoid costly and embarrassing late failures due to liver tox by feeding their GastroPlus liver concentrations directly into our DILIsym software…giving you a leg-up on the competition in the safety space.

The new module of ADMET Predictor, HTPK, provides enhanced capabilities to prioritize compounds before detailed analysis in GastroPlus, allows batch processing for dose calculations across compound series, and will streamline communication with your discovery teams

Please let me know if anyone wishes to activate “on a trial basis” DILIsym software, HTPK, or a module for GastroPlus to add to your current license.

We invite any opportunity to help you and your teams increase the use, utility and understanding of GastroPlus.

By Dan O’Connor