Mechanistic understanding of bioenabling formulation approaches to improve oral bioavailability using porcine in vivo and in silico models

Authors: O’Shea JP
Publication: University College Cork
Software: ADMET Predictor®


With the ever-increasing prevalence of poorly soluble compounds in drug development pipelines, the identification of compounds with poor ‘developability’ owing to sub-optimal absorption properties has led to formulation and delivery challenges in drug development. There is a consequent need to develop both novel formulations that overcome the solubility limitations of poorly water soluble drugs
(PWSD), along with a range of predictive in vitro and in silico biopharmaceutics based tools for guiding formulation design and forecasting in vivo performance. This thesis aimsto assess both novel bioenabling formulations and new in vitro and in silico tools to predict their in vivo performance in pigs as a means to improve efficiency in formulation development.