New PBPK Modeling & Simulation Courses for Fall 2021

Authors: Morris D
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

The world is constantly changing, and with the advancement of technology, it is moving at an accelerated pace. With that, we must be adaptable and ready to pivot as necessary. We see this clearly in the model-informed drug development (MIDD) space. In addition, the pandemic has given us ample time to think, reflect, and reinvent how we live, work, and learn. More importantly, it has given us, here at Simulations Plus, the opportunity to think of ways to serve our clients better.

In April 2021, we inaugurated our Learning Services Department focused on PBPK modeling and simulation training. Our goal is to provide comprehensive training, a variety of training options and ensure that we give our users the tools they need to succeed. Starting in September, we will be rolling out a few new offerings to show our dedication and commitment to evolve in this ever-changing environment:

Complimentary GastroPlus® Training: Monthly five-hour virtual hands-on training for new and existing users. We will also offer select office hours following the training to further assist users in implementing our software tools.

Paid Introductory & Advanced Workshops: In addition to our standard in-person workshops, we will now be offering monthly virtual beginner workshops and quarterly virtual advance workshops.

Registration will open in August for Fall courses.

If you have questions or would like to discuss additional offerings for custom onsite and virtual courses, please contact Stay tuned for additional offerings in 2022!

Denise Morris, Director of Learning Services