PBPK Modeling of Pulmonary Drug Absorption: Challenges & Perspective

Division: PBPK


PBPK models that describe drug performance following pulmonary administration, like the PCAT™ model within GastroPlus(R), have appeared more recently, yet few pieces of literature report on their use. In this webinar, presented by researchers at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy, case studies will be presented on the deployment of the PCAT™ model to identify the key factors which influence drug absorption from different orally inhaled drug products (OIDPs).

Special focus will be given to the advantages, and future opportunities, of the PCAT™ model to describe the processes a drug undergoes following inhalation. Different options to input drug particle regional deposition data in the respiratory tract and account for the influence of drug solubility, mucoadhesion/prolonged retention time in the lungs, and dissolution rate on its absorption will be highlighted. The information presented will stress the importance of selecting appropriate input model parameters to predict the expected local and systemic pharmacokinetic outcomes and applying the results to facilitate the research and development of OIDPs.

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