Simulations Plus Hosts First-of-its-Kind Virtual Summer Camp for Students and Professors

Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

 Simulations Plus, Inc. (Nasdaq: SLP), a leading provider of modeling and simulation solutions for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, announced the successful completion of the inaugural University+ PBPK Summer Camp, an intensive eight-week course covering the theory and application of PBPK modeling using GastroPlus®. More than 80 attendees across 26 countries satisfactorily finished all rigorous assignments and earned their certificates of completion.

The PBPK Summer Camp was offered as an enhancement to its University+ program, which provides software licenses to students and professors at accredited universities. During the program, students successfully learned how to build, evaluate, and apply PBPK models to critical drug development questions.

“This course provided clear and tangible insight to the interplay between drug and dosing environment physico-chemistry, patients’ physiology, and to their consequences on the transit of the drug inside the different body organs,” said one student in a review. “With the new skills I have developed during the course, I feel able to address several knowledge gaps in my field of research.”

Another student noted in their feedback that the workshop would “significantly help [their] career transition from DMPK scientist to [the] PBPK field.”

“[This was] a transformative and enriching summer course,” a student posted on LinkedIn. “I had the opportunity to expand my limits and connect with inspiring educators and instructors, making this a truly great learning experience.”

Denise Morris, Director of Learning Services, said: “There is no better way to bridge the gap between software access and training in academia than to collaborate with leading PBPK experts within the academic setting. With seven instructors scattered across the globe, we wanted to coordinate and design a course that was not only for academics but taught by academics as well. In keeping with the ubiquitous access to our University+ licensing program, we wanted to make sure that the course was accessible to as many students and educators as possible, resulting in a very complex structure that ensured the same quality experience, regardless of where attendees were in the world.”

“In October 2021, we started our University+ program to increase access to modeling and simulation (M&S) learning and education that supports the next generation of scientists,” said Viera Lukacova, Chief Science Officer within the Simulations Plus PBPK Solutions group. “With more than 1,000 installed licenses across 300+ universities worldwide today, we have created a global platform for knowledge sharing and will continue to actively equip students with opportunities to enter the workforce ready to solve complex problems using best-in-class M&S techniques.”

Learn more about the University+ program or register for future workshops and trainings.