Simulations Plus Releases Major Upgrade To GastroPlus(™) Software

Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Simulations Plus, Inc. (AMEX: SLP), a leading provider of simulation and modeling software for pharmaceutical discovery and development, announced that it has released a major upgrade to its best-in-class GastroPlus software for pharmaceutical research and development.

Dr. Viera Lukacova, team leader for simulation technologies for Simulations Plus, said: “This upgrade incorporates a number of user-requested features as well as improvements we’ve been working on in-house. One of the most important new features is the ability to call our ADMET Predictor™ software directly from within GastroPlus. This means a pharmaceutical scientist can simply load a file containing molecular structures and all of the appropriate GastroPlus database entries will be generated automatically. In the past, such an operation would have required a number of steps, creating several files which then had to be imported one-by-one into GastroPlus.”

Dr. Lukacova continued: “Other improvements include a new numerical integrator that speeds up simulations, improved Virtual Trials for simulating effects in large populations, the ability to handle enteric coated or delayed release tablets and capsules, the addition of particle shape for dissolving particles, a redesigned units converter for the Metabolism and Transporter Module, and a monkey physiology model for physiologically based pharmacokinetics. Several other convenience features have also been added. Altogether, this is a significant new release that will make the program both more powerful yet easier to use.”

Walt Woltosz, chairman and chief executive officer for Simulations Plus, added: “Viera’s group has done an excellent job of incorporating some very sophisticated new capabilities into this release, while at the same time making the program friendlier for new users. The ability to input a set of molecules directly into GastroPlus and have all of the items in the database automatically generated is exciting. We now offer an ADMET Predictor Module for GastroPlus that is lower in price than the full-blown ADMET Predictor/Modeler suite, but serves only to generate the properties needed by GastroPlus. We believe this new optional module will be a popular addition for companies who do not now license ADMET Predictor. For companies with existing ADMET Predictor licenses, there will be no additional charge as long as a current ADMET Predictor license is in force.”

Woltosz added: “We’ve been training larger groups of new users at quite a few customer sites around the world in recent months. We’ve also been approached by a number of new companies for consulting studies that use GastroPlus. Our recognized expertise in gastrointestinal absorption and complex pharmacokinetics continues to grow with several additions to our life sciences team in recent months. We believe that all of these things point to a very healthy future for GastroPlus and for Simulations Plus in general.”