SLP Subsidiary Words+ Launches EyePro™ System

Division: PBPK

Words+, Inc., a leading provider of augmentative communication and assistive technology hardware and software for people with disabilities, announced today that it has launched EyePro™, a new product that allows a person to operate an augmentative communication system or computer by simply looking at the screen. Words+ is a wholly owned subsidiary of Simulations Plus, Inc. (NASDAQ: SLP).

Jeff Dahlen, president of Words+, said: “Eyegaze technology has become an increasingly important input method for people using augmentative communication (Speech Generating Devices) and other assistive technologies, especially for those who are severely physically limited by progressive diseases such as ALS (‘Lou Gehrig’s disease’). Until now, we have only been able to provide limited eyegaze technology in special cases due to the prohibitive cost as a third party provider, and we couldn’t effectively market certain proprietary communication techniques we have developed. This negatively impacted our sales to people with ALS, as well as other sales opportunities. Having negotiated an appropriate confidential OEM distribution agreement, we are now able to provide our own eyegaze product and implement new Words+ proprietary communication techniques profitably at current market prices.”

Gaylon Ponder, national sales manager for Words+, added: “Introducing EyePro™ not only allows us to better meet the needs of the customers we serve, but it also significantly increases the size and effectiveness of our national sales force in two ways. First, we gain the full attention of our multiline dealers, who were previously spending a significant amount of their sales time representing an eyegaze product from a different manufacturer, and second, we add eyegaze to the product line of our sales employees and exclusive Words+ dealers. We are taking orders, and delivered two EyePro systems to Veterans with ALS during the first week of May.”