Teaching of Drug Disposition using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Software: GastroPlus as an Educational Tool

Publication: Adv Physiol Educ
Software: GastroPlus®

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling requires understanding of chemical, physiologic, and pharmacokinetic principles. Active learning with PBPK modeling software (GastroPlus®) may be useful to teach these scientific principles while also teaching software operation. To examine this issue, a graduate-level course was designed using learning objectives in science, software use, and PBPK model application. These objectives were taught through hands-on PBPK modeling to answer clinically relevant questions. Students demonstrated proficient use of software, based on their responses to these questions, and showed improved understanding of scientific principles on a pre-/post-course assessment. These outcomes support the effectiveness of simultaneous teaching of interdependent software and science.

By Noam Morningstar-Kywi, Denise N. Morris, Rebecca M. Romero, and Ian S. Haworth