The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series Pulmonary with John DiBella and Jim Mullin

Authors: DiBella J
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK


The Pulmonary Compartmental Absorption & Transit (PCAT™) model represents the lung/nose as a collection of the following compartments: an optional nose (containing the anterior nasal passages), extra-thoracic (naso- and oro-pharynx and the larynx), thoracic (trachea and bronchi), bronchiolar (bronchioles and terminal bronchioles) and alveolar-interstitial (respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and sacs and interstitial connective tissue).

The Oral Cavity Compartmental Absorption & Transit (OCCAT™) model represents the oral cavity (mouth) as a collection of the following compartments: buccal, gingival, palate, top of the tongue, the bottom of the tongue, and mouth floor.

By John DiBella