Training the next generation of pharmacometric modelers: a multisector perspective

Publication: J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn


The current demand for pharmacometricians outmatches the supply provided by academic institutions and considerable investments are made to develop the competencies of these scientists on-the-job. Even with the observed increase in academic programs related to pharmacometrics, this need is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future, as the demand and scope of pharmacometrics applications keep expanding. Further, the field of pharmacometrics is changing. The field largely started when Lewis Sheiner and Stuart Beal published their seminal papers on population pharmacokinetics in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and has continued to grow in impact and use since its inception. Physiological-based pharmacokinetics and systems pharmacology have grown rapidly in scope and impact in the last decade and machine learning is just on the horizon. While all these methodologies are categorized as pharmacometrics, no one person can be an expert in everything. So how do you train future pharmacometricians? Leading experts in academia, industry, contract research organizations, clinical medicine, and regulatory gave their opinions on how to best train future pharmacometricians. Their opinions were collected and synthesized to create some general recommendations.

By Peter L. Bonate, Jeffrey S Barrett, Sihem Bihorel, Richard Brundage, Brian Corrigan, Stephen Duffull, Marc Gastonguay, Mats O. Karlsson, Shinichi Kijima, Andreas Krause, Mark Lovern, Michael Neely, Daniele Ouellet, Elodie L. Plan, Gauri Rao, Joseph Standing, Justin Jarred Wilkins, Hao Zhu