Simulations Plus Releases ADMET Predictor™ Version 8.1

Software: ADMET Predictor®
Division: PBPK

Simulations Plus, Inc. (NASDAQ: SLP), the premier provider of simulation and modeling software and consulting services for pharmaceutical discovery and development, today announced that it has released Version 8.1 of its best-in-class ADMET Predictor™ molecular property prediction software.

Dr. David Miller, principal scientist and project leader for ADMET Predictor, said: “This update builds upon the significant refactoring of the version 8.0 release this past summer, with a particular focus on enhancements to better serve research groups working with large data sets. Key improvements include:

  • 64-bit version is now available
  • Optimization of spreadsheet and model-building functions to improve efficiency
  • New drug design features in the MedChem Studio™ Module
  • Rebuilt toxicity models that are more broadly applicable
  • Streamlined modeling using the ADMET Modeler™ Module.”

John DiBella, vice president for marketing and sales for Simulations Plus, added: “The feedback from scientists working with ADMET Predictor 8.0 has been quite positive, as the stunning visualization features and integration with MedChem Studio provides them with a comprehensive platform for discovery research. We achieved a 10% increase in the number of standalone ADMET Predictor software units licensed in 1QFY17 versus the prior year, and the improvements in this new release should result in further adoption, as the ability to process large data sets quickly will help scientists effectively communicate results to colleagues and lead to informed decisions as projects progress.”