A message from Brett Howell, President of DILIsym Services

Authors: Howell BA

It’s hard to believe that December is already here! As we step back and survey what will undoubtedly be one of the more memorable years in global history, there were many noteworthy items from the DILIsym Services division of Simulations Plus. If you aren’t familiar with DILIsym Services, we are the quantitative, mechanistic modeling division (QSP/QST) of Simulations Plus focused on drug efficacy and safety.

2020 was full of exciting case studies to share, including regulatory DILIsym examples and excellent publications (see our remdesivir poster as a great example!) Like many of you looking forward to 2021, we are thrilled to be offering a whole lineup of products and services, including:

  • Dual DILI-sim/RENAsym membership for your toxicity needs
  • Pharmacology-focused programs such as NAFLDsym (NAFLD/NASH) and most recently, IPFsym (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
  • Custom QSP capabilities, where we can build your model of choice to speed your therapeutic candidate’s approval

Happy Holidays to all, and have a wonderful December!

Brett Howell
President, DILIsym Services