June 2023 GastroPlus Newsletter

Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Hello from smoky Connecticut! Wildfires up north are wreaking havoc with air quality, but luckily for all of us in this corner of the US and Canada, rain is in the forecast.

In this month’s newsletter, I thought I would focus on our training team and schedule. Recently we’ve heard feedback from several clients who experienced delays or setbacks after losing their expert GastroPlus scientist.

Having many qualified modelers in your group ensures your research will not be disrupted by the occasional loss of an expert user.

That’s why we offer introductory workshops for beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced courses to share new and exciting features with our long-time GastroPlus users.

If you’d like to get your scientists started with training, have them register for our upcoming GastroPlus Introductory Workshop on July 24th-28th. This course is structured to demonstrate both theoretical and practical aspects of PBPK modeling yet remain versatile enough to benefit participants with diverse backgrounds. No prior experience with GastroPlus is required.

For those of you who wish to learn more about how ADMET Predictor® can help your research, please join us for our upcoming ADMET Predictor 11 webinar “AI & ML for Drug Discovery and Development” on June 29th at 8 am PDT. In this webinar, you’ll get a sneak peek of the latest version of the flagship machine learning platform for ADMET modeling and its extended capabilities for data analysis, metabolism prediction, and AI-driven drug design. Register now.

And, in case you missed it, you can watch the replay of our last webinar “Using AI-driven Drug Design to Shorten Your Drug Development Process.

Finally, in addition to the other live events scheduled, please consider joining me and Jim Mullin in July at CRS in Las Vegas, NV. Stop by and see us at booth #410.

As always, please let me know how we can help support your research or if you would like to learn more about any of our platforms.

Thanks again,
Dan O’Connor
Director of Business Development
(203) 426-7000
(203) 873-8237 (Cell)
