November 2020 GastroPlus Newsletter

Authors: O’Connor D
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

If you are like me, the static virtual meeting thing is very getting old. I remember the good old days when we could get together at a show, chat in person, have a cup of coffee or lunch, maybe even visit your lab and discuss what new things you are doing and how we might be able to do help to advance your research. It seems like… a long time ago.

Let’s stay connected during the “Zoom Wars” with a couple of new suggestions:

We’ve found great interest and success in organizing “virtual visits” for our commercial clients using a personalized plan. A one-hour online conversation, with individualized topics and expert advice.

Agendas have included:

Let me know if I may schedule some time with your team.

As we have communicated previously, we have extended the relaxation of the geographical licensing restriction while working remotely. Please let us know if we can help with any challenges connecting to your home workspace.

GastroPlus 9.8 is now available for download. You can download and install the new version on the same system that has your current platform. Both versions would be available for use (one at a time), which allows recent modeling activity to continue without disruption. New work can begin with GP 9.8 as soon as you would elect to do so.

By Dan O’Connor