You’ve Got Data! Using SAS from Data Receipt to Reporting

Authors: Vecchione P
Conference: Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group (PharmaSUG)


In a fast-paced, pharmaceutical data analysis environment, the transfer of data needs to be quick and accurate. A number of steps are involved in coordinating data transfers. Data must be received, processed, and verified; proof of receipt needs to be communicated to the sender; and the internal team needs to be updated about the newly arrived datasets. These steps can be time consuming, prolonging the time to analyze and submit data to the FDA.

SAS® can be used to automate each of these steps, decreasing the time for data transfers. Macros can be written to access the Data Dictionary Tables to assemble and report on metadata. Additionally, macros utilizing the Proc Contents OUT option can be used to look at libraries of data, as well as individual tables, and identify missing variables or datasets. ODS HTML output can be used to create web-based reports to keep track of received data. Furthermore, SAS generated email can be used to update internal team members. Utilizing a combination of the above programming strategies will make the data receipt process more efficient, allowing for data analysis to start sooner, and contributing to reduced costs in the development of new drugs.

Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group (PharmaSUG), Miami, Florida, May 2003.

By Vecchione, P.