Development of Drugs to Treat NAFLD/NASH using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Modeling

Development of Drugs to Treat NAFLD/NASH using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Modeling

Authors: Yang K
Conference: AAPS
Software: NAFLDsym®
Division: DILIsym Services

This session will provide scientific background and overview of the application of quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) modeling in drug development to treat NALFD/NASH

In Silico and in Vitro Simulations to Predict Idiosyncratic DILI: What is on the Horizon?

In Silico and in Vitro Simulations to Predict Idiosyncratic DILI: What is on the Horizon?

Authors: Howell BA
Conference: DILI
Software: DILIsym®
Division: DILIsym Services

Multiple species: human, rat, mouse, and dog, Population variability, The three primary acinar zones of liver represented, Essential cellular processes represented to multiple scales in interacting submodels...

Assessing and Managing DILI Risk in Trials: A Consultant’s Perspective

Assessing and Managing DILI Risk in Trials: A Consultant’s Perspective

Authors: Watkins PB
Conference: DILI
Software: DILIsym®
Division: DILIsym Services

DILI typically has drug-specific “signatures”: Hepatocellular, cholestatic, mixed (R-value), Latency “window,” Rate of progression, rate of resolution, Extra-hepatic manifestations (e.g. hypersensitivity signs)

Developing PBPK for Ocular Delivery

Developing PBPK for Ocular Delivery

Authors: Bolger MB
Conference: ASCPT
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: Simulations Plus

Cooperation grant with the FDA (2014‐2019) a 4‐year funded collaborative project with the FDA  Office of Generic Drugs on the development of  mechanistic models for ocular delivery