Developing PBPK for Ocular Delivery

Developing PBPK for Ocular Delivery

Authors: Bolger MB
Conference: ASCPT
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Cooperation grant with the FDA (2014‐2019) a 4‐year funded collaborative project with the FDA  Office of Generic Drugs on the development of  mechanistic models for ocular delivery

Assessing Effects of Sublingual BHV-0223 and Oral Riluzole on Liver Function Test Parameters

Assessing Effects of Sublingual BHV-0223 and Oral Riluzole on Liver Function Test Parameters

Authors: Howell BA
Conference: SOT
Software: DILIsym®

DILIsym is a mechanistic, mathematical model that has been constructed to support pharmaceutical risk assessment and decision making

DILIsym 8A New Features for Predicting & Understand Drug-Induced Liver Injury

DILIsym 8A New Features for Predicting & Understand Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Authors: Howell BA
Software: DILIsym®

So how can DILIsym help my organization? Predict DILI liabilities beforehand and save $$$, Choose the lead candidate most likely to succeed from a DILI standpoint, Communicate with regulators on safety issues with information they have requested from others numerous times and from a platform they license (FDA) & keep patients safer.

Use of a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Model to Predict Liver Toxicity in Simulated Populations

Use of a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Model to Predict Liver Toxicity in Simulated Populations

Authors: Battista C
Conference: WPC
Software: DILIsym®

DILIsym is a mechanistic, mathematical model that has been constructed to support pharmaceutical risk assessment and decision making.

HTPK: Conducting PK modeling and simulations at high speed

HTPK: Conducting PK modeling and simulations at high speed

Conference: AAPS
Division: PBPK

HTPK lightens the burden of collecting and preparing input variables for full blown PK simulations by using structure-based predictions.

Using in-silico Models to Integrate in-vitro Data to Support Virtual Trials for Cost Effective Drug Development

Using in-silico Models to Integrate in-vitro Data to Support Virtual Trials for Cost Effective Drug Development

Authors: Lukacova V
Conference: AAPS
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

PBPK models allow incorporating different types of in vitro measurements into single platform to account for all processes affecting drug’s absorption, distribution and elimination.

Use of In Silico Mechanistic Models to Support Interspecies Extrapolation of Oral Bioavailability and Formulation Optimization: Model Example Using GastroPlus™

Use of In Silico Mechanistic Models to Support Interspecies Extrapolation of Oral Bioavailability and Formulation Optimization: Model Example Using GastroPlus™

Authors: Lukacova V
Conference: USP
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

PBPK models provide unique platform to combine information from in vitro, in silico and animal assays for accurate prediction of complex drug behavior in vivo

Using DILIsym, A Quantitative Systems Toxicology (QST) Software Tool of Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI), To Assess DILI Risk in Drug Development

Using DILIsym, A Quantitative Systems Toxicology (QST) Software Tool of Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI), To Assess DILI Risk in Drug Development

Authors: Howell BA
Conference: BIT IDDST
Software: DILIsym®

A combination of multiple mechanistic, in silico modeling approaches can facilitate drug discovery (QSAR, PBPK, QSP and QST).

Incorporating Mechanistic Modeling & Simulation to Assist with Formulation Development and Regulatory Evaluations

Incorporating Mechanistic Modeling & Simulation to Assist with Formulation Development and Regulatory Evaluations

Authors: Lukacova V
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

A mechanistic, physiologically-based absorption/PK model was constructed in GastroPlus and validated across three dose levels (50, 100, and 300 mg) using in vivo data collected from tablets manufactured…