Breaking News! The new version of GP (version 9.8.3) is now available for download.
August 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
As the summer season heats up here in New England, we invite you all to join us in honoring 2022 World Lung Cancer Day.
August 2022 News/Events
An estimated 236,740 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2022. That’s 649 people each day, 27 people each hour, and one person every 2½ minutes.
FDA’s Project Optimus Initiative for Oncology Drug Development
Oncology drugs have historically followed the dosing strategy that “more is better” until the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is reached.
July 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
Hard to believe that we’re already in the middle of summer.
An update on the comparison of lixivaptan’s liver safety profile
An update from Dr. Paul B. Watkins on the comparison of lixivaptan’s liver safety profile
June 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
Hello again GastroPlus scientists, Simulations Plus is a great place to work.
April 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
We continue to offer an outstanding schedule of workshops, webinars, and even opportunities to meet with us face to face in the coming weeks.
March 2022 Gastroplus Newsletter
We continue to offer a wealth of online workshops and webinars that should be of interest to the GastroPlus community.
February 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
MIDD+ 2022 starts tomorrow... please register now! We are fast approaching 1000 registered attendees!
January 2022 GastroPlus Newsletter
Amazingly we now find ourselves at the beginning of a new and exciting year for modeling and simulation!